Mother's Day Out - Pre-Kindergarten
Mother's Day Out
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Age 2 by September 1, 2024
Our Mother’s Day Out Program offers wonderful flexibility to families looking to introduce their child into a loving classroom environment for play and socialization. Our day is play-driven, with built in snack, lunch, and rest time. You have the freedom to choose one, two, or three days a week for your child.
Each child needs a sack lunch, drink, and cup.
Bring a pillow and blanket.
Pick up time is 2:00pm.
3 Year Old Preschool
3 by September 1, 2024
Our three year old program is specifically designed to help little minds grow and learn while having fun!
Students will begin to understand the structural format of the Bible.
Through daily Bible readings students will begin to identify, recall, and retell stories of the Bible and Bible characters.
As we learn about the Bible and the life of Christ, students will start to understand that through Jesus we are forgiven and through Him is the only way to salvation.
With prayer incorporated in our everyday learning students will learn how to pray.
Print Awareness & Phonemic Awareness
Pre-reading Strategies: The student will be able to identify common objects in the pictures of books.
Fluency, Comprehension, and Response to Text
Information and Research: The student will access and use information from graphs and calendars when appropriate.
Writing Skills/ Conventions of Print , Stages and uses of Writing
Listening Skills and Oral Communication
Students will learn to count objects one by one from one through five.
Whole number computation: The student will attempt to compare quantities of numbers using concrete manipulatives to determine more than, less than, same, and different
Money: The student will identify and count pennies.
Measurements, Calendar and time
Temperature: Through different activities students will identify cold, cool, worm, and hot.
Linear Measure: Students will experiment with measurable attributes of everyday objects (big/little, tall/short. etc.)
Capacity: The student will be able to compare and/or order containers by capacity.
Spatial relationships and geometric shapes
Patterns and Sequence
Be able to identify an object that doesn’t belong in a group and recognize patterns
Communication: The student will be able to ask questions and respond.
Students will be able to classify things as living or nonliving.
Plants: Students will be able to identify what plants need.
Students will begin to develop awareness and respect for the Environment and living things. Along with observing and participating in a variety of activities related to preserving our Earth.
Students will observe, explore, and describe a variety of living things and where they live (people, plants, and animals).
Natural resources: The student will be able to collect, identify, and describe objects in the natural world (rocks, soil, leaves).
Students will develop an awareness of the four seasons (temperature, weather appropriate clothing, and changing leaves).
Investigating Matter: The student will explore a wide variety of objects and materials.
Heat, light, and sound energy: The student will investigate how the sun supplies light and heat to the Earth.
Motion: The student will select and become familiar with simple scientific tools ( magnifying glass, magnet).
Student will begin to understand events that happened in the past.
Communities: The student will identify the three basic needs of all people: food, clothing, shelter.
Citizenship: The student will recognize the need for rules in the home, school, and community.
Economics: The student will develop a growing awareness of jobs and what is required to perform them.
American Icons: The student will identify important American symbols and begin to explain their meanings.
Geography: The student will begin to locate and describe familiar places (classroom, home, school, and restaurants).
Resources: The student will begin to identify natural resources.
Physical Development (PE)
Visual Art
Social/Personal Skills
Cognitive skills
4 Year Old Preschool
We know it is a big step heading into kindergarten! With small class sizes our teachers are able to spend time with each of these little ones and prepare them for the transition. Below is a quick look into our pre-kindergarten curriculum. For a deeper look, contact the school office.
Students will begin to understand the structural format of the Bible.
Through daily Bible readings students will begin to identify, recall, and retell stories of the Bible and Bible characters.
As we learn about the Bible and the life of Christ, students will start to understand that through Jesus we are forgiven and through Him is the only way to salvation.
With prayer incorporated in our everyday learning students will learn how to pray.
Students will identify, recall and retell stories of the Bible and Bible Characters
Students will comprehend why Christians worship – worship practices and styles.
Students will listen for information and for pleasure.
Students will express ideas or opinions in group or individual settings.
Students will understand the characteristics of written language.
Students will demonstrate the ability to hear, identify, and manipulate individual sounds in spoken words.
Students will demonstrate the ability to work with rhymes, words, and syllables.
Students will demonstrate the ability to apply sound-symbol relationships.
Students will develop and expand knowledge of words and word meanings to increase vocabulary.
Students will associate meaning and understanding with reading.
Students will use the writing process to express thoughts and feelings.
Students will sort and classify objects and analyze simple patterns.
Students will use number concepts and operations along with connecting numerals with their quantities.
Students will identify common geometric shapes and explore the relationship of objects in the environment.
Students will explore the concepts of nonstandard and standard measurement.
Students will collect and analyze data in a group setting.
The student will investigate and experiment with objects to discover information.
The student will investigate and describe objects that can be sorted in terms of physical properties.
The student will observe and investigate plants, animals and the basic concepts of the Earth.
Students will learn to exhibit traits of good citizenship and explore various careers.
The student will demonstrate knowledge of basic geographic concepts.
The student will discuss how children in various communities and cultures are alike and different.
Physical Development (PE)
Visual Art
Social/Personal Skills
Cognitive skills